My 6 year old is a great storyteller and now a budding author and illustrator. I just LOVE how far she has come with reading and writing since beginning Kindergarten. Last week after finishing her homework for the day she said, "Mom, I want to write a story." I didn't think too much of it but helped her find the materials she needed. She even brainstormed a list of what people and things she wanted to include in her story.
Then she set to work. Here is what she came up with all on her own! For anyone familiar with little kid writing you'll get a kick out of the words she sounded out. {The translation is also included in case you get stuck!}
The Princess and the Superhero
Once upon a time there was a princess who was stuck in a tower by a witch and a dragon and...
... one day the princess saw a superhero and he saw the princess and they talked and talked. Suddenly the superhero saw the witch and the dragon and ...
... the dragon started breathing fire and the superhero brought out his sword and threw it at the dragon and he was dead. But the ...
... witch was making a magic potion and when the witch looked like the princess and told him {the prince} that she had a present for him. He looked and ran ...
... and the witch looked at him and she was good and they lived happily ever after.
It is seriously the cutest most creative story I have ever read by a 6 year-old. {Not that I'm biased or anything... haha!}
Her teacher asked her to bring it in to share with the class, so I scanned a copy really quick before letting her pack it in her back pack tonight.
I have been secretly hoarding holding on to most of the school papers that my daughter has been bringing home all crumpled up in her backpack each day. One of my summer projects is going to be scanning a bunch of them and compiling a photo book with the scanned images. I would LOVE to do this for each year {of at least elementary school -- but at least these first couple of years} for her and her posterity {someday} to look back on.
Plus, it is a fun way to just show her how much I love and appreciate everything she does and the value that we {as her parents} place on getting an education. Anytime I can find an extra way to show love to my kids I will! She will be able to see how much she has really learned and progressed this past year. Any photos, including her first day of school and last day of school photos, will be added to the book. Then I will also add an "All About Me" page as well as space on the first page for her to write her name.
What a great way to document it all!!
What do you do/have you done to record your child's school year!?!