Valentine's Day Graphing and Sorting Activity Sheets - Free Download

 Valenitne's Day is coming up, and I love to incorporate holiday fun into learning whenever I can. I have started subbing at a small hybrid homescool program and put together this fun activity for the kids to do the week of Valentine's Day.

Download your FREE Printables in color and black and white HERE

If you use them at home or in your classroom tag us on Instagram at @NaturallyCreativeHome so we know you like them and want to see more like this! 

40 Things You Can Declutter To Make A BIG Difference

 It's the beginning of the year and you know what that means ... most everyone is setting goals. 

This year I am going to work hard to simplify a lot of aspects of my life so that my family and I can enjoy more of our time together. Our oldest is graduating from high school this year and it's making me really think about how quickly life goes by. 

If you are looking to to simplify your home a little bit (like I am), I have put together a list of 40 things you can get rid of easily to make a big difference. I have a free printable checklist for you too! Scroll to the end of the post to grab that.