...made with graham crackers.. usually on a plate covered with tin foil. By the time I was finished my house would be practically collapsing because of the weight of all the frosting and candy I had covered the sides and roof with. BUT... I had so much fun and it still tasted delicious... even if it was falling apart. The best part about it was that I could save it and eat candy off my house for days!
I have tried making my own gingerbread house pieces from a mix. If you can do it... you are superwoman!! I couldn't do it at all. I tried making template pieces out of parchment paper and they always came out deformed. So, for anyone like me - I am a total advocate of buying a kit!!! You can still buy your own candies (the ones in the kits are good - but I like chocolate on mine!) The kits are reasonably priced too which makes it a really sweet deal!
We made one with my daughter last year for the first time and, yes, she was covered in frosting in the first 2 minutes - and, yes, she probably ate more candy than ended up on the house - but it's the experience that counts!! SHE LOVED IT, and it was a great way to spend some quality time together as a family!
If you make yours close to Christmas, use it as a centerpiece for your table! Then you can munch on it after dinner!
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