I am looking for anyone who wants a little extra avertising over the next month and a half leading up to the holidays.
Do you have a DIY or craft blog? Do you have your own business? Do you coupon? Do you have some great holiday recipes to share?
I want to feature Y-O-U! I am looking for at least 12 different bloggers who want to be guest posters for my 12 blog posts of Christmas. {If I get more than 12 super great ideas... I will update the name. I would love to make it a month of Christmas... that would be so fun!} It should be Christmas/holiday related somehow.
For example: a holiday decor idea, homemade gifts, holiday receipe, how to save on Christmas shopping this year, free printables, and anything else you can come up with!
In addition to your guest blog post, I will also feature your button on my sidebar until the end of the year!! FREE ADVERTISING!
• You must be family friendly!
• You must email your submission to kdbuggieboutique[at!]yahoo.com by Friday, November 18th.
• In your email you need to include your website address, your button, and your post idea.
• Your post will run in December as part of my 12 blog posts of Christmas!
• It needs to be something new. I don't want to see a blog post that you did last year. Revamp it, update it, come up with something creative. This is your chance to show all 1500 of my viewers a taste of who you are!
If you have any questions feel free to email me. Please past this post along to your facebook fans and your blog followers. We would love to see some new faces around here! ♥
I can't wait to read what you come up with!
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Thank you so much for stopping by. I would love to hear from you!