Mingle Monday

Sorry for the late linky... I was at my parents house until late last night. We hadn't seen them in a while and thought it was time for a visit!

**Don't forget to enter my Milk and Cookeez giveaway while you are here. Take a look at some of their cute items and enter to win one of your own here. So far there are VERY LOW ENTRIES.

mingle mondays button
Here are the rules:
1. Please become a KdBuggie Boutique GFC follower. Leave me a comment if you are new to my blog hop!
2. Visit/follow/leave a comment on the spotlight blog - #2 on the linky list.
3. Visit as many of the blogs on the list as you like - make sure to tell them you are visiting from Mingle Monday.
4. Grab my button and place it somewhere on your blog that I can easily find it. You will be automatically entered to win the spotlight blog spot for next week!
**This blog hop is open to FAMILY FRIENDLY BLOGS ONLY PLEASE! All others will be deleted!
Spotlight Blog: Sweep Tight

Sweep Tight

If you are looking for some great deals and freebies, then you definitley need to take a look at his website! Jen is an expert sweepstaker and shares some of her know-how with all of us on her adorable site!


  1. Thansk for hosting. I follow both you and Sweap Tight :) Have a great week.

  2. Whew, glad it's not just me running super late today. We were grandparent hopping last night too...which makes for some nice sleeping in!

    As always, thanks for hosting!

    The SurvivalMama

  3. Thanks for hosting. I think you are the only one I have joined in with 2 weeks in a row. I can't wait for next week.

  4. Great blog! Thanks for the linky and the opportunity!

  5. HI there... Just found your blog jumping around and wanted to say I hi. You have a cute space here :)

    xo, Supermom Alysha

  6. Wow! I just got home from work and had this wonderful surprise of being in the spotlight! Thank you so much, that's awesome! :)

  7. Following your blog! Please follow back!

  8. Hi just calling by Via Monday Blog hops. Already following but great to catch up and see what's happening. Hope you are having a wonderful week so far.

  9. New follower from the Blog Hop. www.athomemoma.com

  10. New follower and blog hopper!...please follow me back!


Thank you so much for stopping by. I would love to hear from you!