Mingle Monday - 2.6.2012

Happy Super Bowl Sunday! {to those of you who are watching} Hopefully you'll take a minute during halftime or once the party game is over to link up! Be sure to share the link to this post on your blogs or facebook walls so that we can welcome new bloggers!

Also, be sure to stop by my *NEW* blog and graphics design blog - Mommy Made Designs - to enter for a chance to win a FREE blog or etsy shop graphics makeover!! 

While you are linking up this week, feel free to grab my Mingle Monday button so you can remember to come back week after week.

Visit as many blogs on the link list as you would like. Make sure you leave a comment and tell them you are stopping by from Mingle Monday!

Become a follower here on my blog so that you can take advantage of any and all freebies that I offer {usually once a week}.


And make sure to have some fun!!



  1. A new follower from the hop, thanks for hosting =)

  2. thanks for hosting. I'm following on GFC, and hope you can drop by my blog to keep in touch via GFC too :)

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka
    Join in weekly: Wordless Wednesday Linky Party

  3. I'm a new follower. Great to me you. Hope you stop by http://www.dontmesswithmama.com

  4. Thanks for hosting! I can't wait to mingle!

  5. Thanks for the linky. I'm following you via GFC.


Thank you so much for stopping by. I would love to hear from you!