Just a glimpse...

Here's what I was working on yesterday!

A new pad and zippered slip cover for my nasty well-loved glider chair. It's been on my to do list for a while and the fabric has been taunting me from it's box. Yesterday, I started the makeover. In one afternoon I got this done. 

The pad is 4" thick foam... I'm planning to be nice and comfy since I will be spending so much time in the chair! 

Anyone interested in the tutorial on how to recover a chair like this!?!? I took pics, but I'm curious to see who's interested... it may have to be a multiple post kind of tutorial... 



  1. OMG i have the same chair!!!!!!!! and i literally was going to trash it today and i came to work and told someone they should make covers for these because i hate to trash it but its sooooooo messed up!

    1. Mine was from Wal-Mart... like ages ago!!! It's been well used. This go round, I'm making removable covers... that way I can wash it to try and keep it looking nicer, longer!

  2. Yep thats where I got mine !


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