Is anyone else feeling that urge to do some spring cleaning? I totally am! I don't know if it's because we've been in our new house now for about 4 months and we still aren't unpacked and organized... or if it's just that time of year... but I desperately need some help!
In order to help encourage myself... and to hopefully inspire motivate you to do some spring cleaning and organizing of your own, I am planning an entire month dedicated solely to that purpose! Each day of the week {mon-fri} I will be posting a new "project" for us! Each post will include pictures and links from other websites that I love as well as my own ideas, projects, and FREEBIES! Fridays will have larger projects so that you can spend the weekend working on it... or use your weekend to catch up on anything that was left unfinished earlier in the week!
My hope is to organize, de-clutter, and spring clean my house in 1 month! I have broken it down into smaller, easier, more accomplishable {I'm not totally sure that's a word, but I'm going with it!} tasks to reach my {our} ultimate goal!
Tomorrow kicks off this wonderful month! So, today, in preparation, I want you to sit down and make a list of what it is that you want to clean, organize, de-clutter, and improve upon.
Hopefully this month we will all be able to go from this:
to this! {ahhh!}
Tomorrow: Creating Command Central
We started last week, and if I posted the pics of my kids' rooms, you might never sleep again. :) Trying to get some stuff ready for Easter Seals to come pick up next week. I would love to get rid of about 1/3 of our stuff right now. I'll be happy with 1/5 though.