Materials: 2 yards cotton fabric {depending on the size of your ironing board}
1/4" non-roll elastic
disappearing ink marker
safety pin
iron and ironing board
tape measurer (optional)
Experience Level: Easy
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I'm pretty sure this is the first time I have put together a sewing tutorial where I haven't been self-conscious about how well-used and loved my ironing board looks in photos. LOL!!!
Making a new ironing board cover has been on my "TO DO" list for some time now, and this week I finally found the time to make it happen!!
Here is how my lovely ironing board has been looking.
With starch stains, sticky residue from fusible webbings, and just overall yuck!
Start by gathering your materials. My ironing board is a standard size that I bought at Target about 2 years ago. I needed 60" of cotton fabric to cover mine. Be sure to measure your ironing board before you cut your fabric to make sure you have enough length. My ironing board is 54" long, so 60" of fabric was perfect!
Start by laying your fabric in the floor. I cut mine straight from the bolt, so I just unfolded it {you will only be using half of the width of the fabric -- so you could either make 2 covers or save the other fabric for another project}. Then lay your ironing board down on your fabric keeping it as close to centered as you can.
Using a ruler {or just eyeballing it} you will want to measure at least 2 inches all the way around your ironing board. {This way you have enough fabric on all sides to go down the edge of your ironing board, and have enough to create the casing for your elastic. If you like to have more fabric around the bottom edge of your ironing board, then I suggest doing 3" all the way around instead of 2". My 2" measurement just tucked under the bottom of my ironing board.} I used a ruler and marked all the way around with my disappearing ink marker. Then I went back and connected all of my markings.
Next, remove your cutting board and plug in your iron. Then using your fabric scissors cut around the line you drew to cut out your fabric for your cover.
My next step was to serge around the edge of my fabric to keep it from fraying. If you don't have a serger you can use an overcast stitch or a zig zag stitch to create the same effect with your sewing machine.
Next take it to your ironing board and iron down your stitching to set it in place. While you are there, you will want to fold over the edge of your fabric to create the casing for your elastic. Since my elastic is 1/4" wide, I folded my fabric about 1/2" all the way around.
The tricky part is folding your fabric around those curves. I added tiny wrinkles {folds} in mine as I folded it over and ironed it. No one but you and your kids {or pets} will ever see the bottom of your cover, so it's totally okay!
Since we are creating a casing for the elastic, be sure to leave yourself about a 1" opening in your stitching so that you can feed your elastic through.
Once you have stitched your casing grab your elastic and a safety pin. Attach the safety pin to one end of your elastic.
Put the safety pin side of your elastic in your casing first and use the pin to slide the elastic through your casing. It will be a snug fit. Be sure to scrunch your fabric along the elastic ... because you have a long way to go around!
** Here's a little tip. When you get to the end, use the safety pin to attach your two ends of elastic together. Then take your cover to your ironing table and fit it on adjusting the placement of your safety pin on your long end of elastic to be sure you get your cover to fit as snug or as loose as you want. Just be sure not to unhook your safety pin from the start of your elastic... it's hard to find the end again if you do.
Once you have your elastic the way you want it in your cover, trim off the excess elastic and sew the two ends together in a couple of places to hold it snug. You will want at least 1/2" of an overlap on your two ends of the elastic so be sure when you trim off the excess that you leave enough for the overlap.
Then tuck your elastic completely inside your casing and sew your casing opening closed back stitching at both ends.
All that's left now is to put it on your ironing board, and stand back to admire your work!!
Ooooh... Aaaahhhhh!!!!
Just for fun... a before and after shot... so much better, don't ya think!?!
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