Technically, I don't have a linen closet... I have a spot in my closet for linens. But, if you are lucky to have a linen closet, I am totally jealous!!
Here are a couple tips for keeping those linens under control!
1. You really only need 3 sets of sheets per bed. 1 on the bed, 1 in the closet, and potentially 1 in the dirty clothes hamper. {But I am sure you could get away with just 2 sets if you really want to keep things simple!}
2. A great way to store your bedding sets is to take your fitted sheet, fold it up {which is never easy... if anyone has a great way to fold these I would love to hear it!}. Fold the flat sheet and place it on top of your folded fitted sheet. Grab 1 pillow case and fold that - add it to your folded pile. Then, take your entire pile and neatly place it inside the remaining pillowcase. This keeps everything together, nice and neat. When you need to change your linens just grab the pillow case set and everything is there and ready to go!
3. All 15 of those towel sets that you got for your wedding years ago {yes I am guilty of this one!} ... if you haven't used them, either replace your old {used} ones with the new ones, or donate them! Bath and hand towels are easy gifts... meaning 2 things: (1) You can gift them to someone else {if they haven't been used}. (2) If you aren't careful they will take over your closet! Towels make great gifts, and for that reason you probably seem to get a lot of them. There is no need to hang on to every towel, hand towel, washcloth, or beach towel that you are given. Re-gift it, return it, or give it away!
4. Use towels for decor! Spice up your bathroom or kitchen by adding a splash of color in the form of a cute hand towel! The look of your space can change completely by simply changing out the towels. If you have the storage space, keep a set of hand towels for different seasons or holidays and rotate them throughout the year.
5. Table linens should be folded and hung on non-wire hangers. Napkins and table runners can be folded and stored together. If you only use them for holidays feel free to store them on a top shelf in your closet. Keep the towels and bedding at eye level since they are the ones you will be using most frequently.
6. To keep your linens smelling fresh, keep a box of baking soda or a sachet in your closet. It is also a good idea to wash everything about every 6 months to keep it clean and fresh.
7. Protect antique linens by wrapping them in cellophane bags or white acid-free tissue paper to keep colors from yellowing.
8. If any of your linens are wool, use a cedar block to keep moths away!
9. Labels! If you have linens in baskets, or bins... add labels to them so that you can easily know what is in each box without having to unfold everything!
So, how about storing all of those linens. Well my last trip to IKEA I saw this and I fell in love! BUT.. it is too large for my tiny closet space... so I am left trying to figure out how to use this little baby. I didn't buy it, but as soon as I can think of a good enough space to use it in... I will!
Or choose to store your linens in baskets or boxes like these:
These boxes are from The Container Store. They are great because they are decorative while still being translucent. You can still see what is inside!
One key point in organizing linens is to make everything accessible. Use either clear bins or tubs, or label your baskets and bins. If you don't know what is in your closet at a glance, you will get frustrated looking for things that you need!
Happy organizing!!
Tomorrow: Organizing Clothing
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