{ Day 5: Important Information Binder }

This post is dedicated to creating an Important Information Binder. If you have been following my blog for a while you may have seen my previous posts {about a week or two ago} telling you to stop by I Heart Organizing and download the pages she is sharing to create your own binder. 

{Courtesy of I Heart Organizing}

So, why have a binder and what should you put in it? Well, for starters, a binder lets you keep all of your important information in one spot! Of course, your office will probably hold most information, but an important info binder keeps the main stuff all together. Here is a list I came up with of things you could include in your binder:

Important Dates: birthdays, anniversary's
Home Maintenance Checklist: an overview of home maintenance items like cleaning rain gutters, HVAC services, smoke detector maintenance, etc.
Auto Maintenance Log: keep track of the services done on your vehicles and know when your next service should be
Babysitter Pages: Keep extra babysitter information sheets so that when the sitter comes you can fill it out and have it ready for them.
Daily/Weekly Schedules: keep schedules for things that don't change. Kid's daily routines, cleaning schedules, etc.
Financial Recorder: Have a list of your bills and their due dates. Record each payment so you make sure you don't miss one. Keeping the list all together also helps you to keep track of/compare your spending each month.
Storage Inventory: If you have a deep freezer, or you rent storage, keep a list of everything that you have. This way you don't purchase duplicate items.
Entertainment Library: If you are the kind of person that has a ton of movies, Cd's, DVDs, or books. Keep a record of what you own. If you lend your items to other people, keep track of what you lend, to whom, and when it is returned.
Accounts and Passwords: Depending on where you are planning to keep your important info binder, you could make lists of your bank accounts and institutions. You could also keep track of website log-ins and passwords. {Personally, I chose not to include this in my binder. I leave my binder out where everyone has access. I don't want just anyone viewing my private info!}
Calendar: If you don't have a day planner or calendar, print one and add it to the front of your notebook and use that.
Menu Planner: Keep your weekly menu in your binder so that you know what you are making for dinner each week.
School Information: Class fliers, important school info., homework schedules. {You could create a section for each child if applicable}.

To assemble your binder, I suggest finding the tab pages {for you to put your titles on} that have pockets. This way you can keep important info in them. I have started keeping all of our bills in the pocket of my financial tab. That way once bills are paid I can record them on my planner sheet. I have everything in one place!

Here is what my important info binder looks like:

My binder isn't complete yet. It takes some time to put together all of your information, so don't worry if it takes up to a week or so to get yours complete. 

I have created a two freebies if you want to include them in your binder.

Important Dates Sheets

Click here to download PDF file of important dates sheets.

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Babysitter Notes

Click here to download PDF file.

With this one, I suggest one of two things:
1. Keep a couple of these in a page protector in your binder.
2. Either score them down the center {using a paper trimmer with a scoring blade} or cut them in half and store them in the pocket tab folder so that they are ready to use!

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Since my little guy has severe food allergies we have TONS of special instructions for our sitters. So, I am including a special section on his allergies and how to handle an allergic reaction... just in case. Since every child had different allergies and different reactions, this is something you would need to create on your own. If you have a similar special need in your family, you may want to consider a special section in your binder just for them!  

Here are a couple websites with different printable you can use for your binders.

I Heart Organizing: Jen has extended her printables through 4/9, so hurry over and snag them if you want to use them for your binder!
Tip Junkie: So many wonderful printables to choose from. They are a great resource for year-round printables and ideas too!
Organized Home: Resources for what to include in your binder.
Ringgenberg: Another blogger's version using the idea from I Heart Organizing.

Tomorrow: Organizing  the Home Office

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